3 Common Sinus Surgeries Performed by Your ENT Doctor

Millions of people suffer from chronic sinus problems. When medication fails to provide more than short-term relief, surgery may be necessary. Your ENT doctor can perform both inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures for a variety of chronic sinus disorders. CHRONIC SINUSITIS Patients with chronic sinusitis or chronic rhinosinusitis have conditions that cause fluid build-up in…
How Your ENT Doctor Can Help with Allergies

It’s springtime, which means warmer weather, lots of sunshine, and plenty of blooms. Those pretty flowers and blossoming trees might be welcome after a long, cold winter, but for some they spell misery. Tree pollen is one of the worst offenders for seasonal spring allergies. Trees such as birch and oak produce millions of pollen…
3 Things You Need to Know About Sinus Headaches

There are different causes of headaches that separate them into two categories, primary or secondary. A primary headache affects a pain-sensitive structure in the brain. A secondary headache is something such as inflammation of the sinuses. Here are three things to know about sinus headaches. 1. Moisture Is Necessary When you have a sinus headache,…
Ask ENT Doctors: Your Sinuses and Sinus Headaches

We learn a lot of things throughout our lives. Going to school, reading books, watching informational television, and, sometimes, even surfing the Internet are all strong influences in our education. We learn science and history and English and math–but, outside of the classroom, when we don’t even know we’re learning, we are constantly picking up…
Do You Have Adult Onset Allergies?

As spring begins, we hope the sniffles and coughs from the winter season will finally end. Much to our surprise then, we experience similar cold symptoms as the environment around us begins to bloom and turn green. If you’ve never experienced allergies before, don’t think you’re off the hook, as adults can develop allergies at…
Boise Ear, Nose, and Throat: Sinusitis

We’ve all experienced the common cold enough to be extremely familiar with its symptoms. Congestion, watery or light-sensitive eyes, and sneezing are nothing new–but the problem arises when these symptoms are accompanied by chronic pain, and when the “cold” lasts more than ten days. At that point, it’s time to call this cold impostor by…
How to Gain Relief from Chronic Sinusitis

Anyone who has had a sinus infection can attest to its pain and the productivity it delays. Now imagine you were constantly having congestion, headaches, and sinus pain. Chronic sinusitis is when sinus cavities are inflamed for up to 12 weeks with no relief even after treatment attempts. A consultation with an ear, nose, and…
Ask our ENT Doctors: Asthma and Allergy Emergencies

We all like to think that we’re prepared for an emergency, but at the end of the day, that might not be true. After all, in an emergency situation–no matter the nature of the event–there will always be a lot of stress, a lot of unknown variables, and, of course, very high stakes. The truth…
Sinus Infections in Children and Their Causes

From infancy, children are faced with new bacteria, colds, and flu which they must build immunity to in order to get over sicknesses. Your kids will have many colds as they grow up, but some children will especially suffer from sinus problems. It ‘s hard, especially with young children, to deal with sinus problems as…
Sinus Sufferer? Here are Some Minimally Invasive Options

So many individuals (more than you may think) suffer from daily sinus problems. Do you experience nasal discharge or draining into the back of your throat, persistent headaches behind your eyes, loss of taste or smell, difficulty breathing through your nose or other sinus related complaints? These ailments are commonly heard by ear nose and…