Should You See an Audiologist or an ENT Doctor?

Should you see an audiologist or an ENT doctor for your hearing issue? There are definite differences between the two professions, and your treatment will depend on your condition and even what’s causing it. Here’s how to determine whom you should contact and what services they can provide. When to See an ENT Doctor ENT…
Specialized Care from Your ENT Doctor

A problem with your ears, your nose, or your throat may begin with a visit to your family physician or urgent care center. If the problem turns out to be more than routine, you may be referred to an ENT doctor. What is an ENT Doctor? ENT doctor is the commonly used term for physicians…
When to Seek Professional Help for Dizzy Spells

Sudden dizzy spells can happen to anyone. They occur for a variety of reasons, and most of the time there’s nothing to worry about. If you are experiencing them frequently, however, there might be something going on that should be addressed by an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Why Am I Dizzy? Dizziness can be…
FAQ’s on Getting Ear Tubes

Ears need to be protected, from the day you are born and beyond. We listen with our ears, and they are the center of our balance. So when ears become infected, it can create problems. But what happens if ears repeatedly get infected? The solution is much more than penicillin. Ear tubes are often the…
All About Ears: Allergies, Colds and Beyond

The first thing we think about when we hear the word ‘ear’ is hearing. We associate our ears with listening to sounds. In addition to hearing, we can also associate the ears with balance, our throats, and our nasal passages. Our ears are an intricate part of the body working hard to protect others organs…
How to Prevent Sickness While Flying

While there are a host of reasons people don’t like air travel, a common complaint is the onset of illness after travel. Our sinuses can be sensitive, especially in environments we are unaccustomed to. Not only that, but planes can harbor some pretty deadly germs for up to 7 days. Auburn University researchers James Barbaree…
Why You Should Teach Your Children About Q-Tip Safety

For some reason, Q-tips are automatically associated with cleaning the ears. While there is a label on the packaging not to insert cotton swabs into the ear canal, many people regularly clean their ears with Q-tips. It’s important to teach your child from an early age how to use cotton swabs correctly. The ear canal…
Tips to Care for a Hoarse Throat

Sometimes we want a break from our busy lives and wonder how it would be to sit in silence for awhile. While this is a typical daydream, the reality of losing your voice is less enjoyable. Not only is it painful, but a dry throat can make it difficult to complete daily tasks that require…
Do I Have an Ear Infection?

One night you notice that you can only sleep on one side because your ear is red and in pain. You may also sense a loss of hearing. What could it be? Most people associate ear infections with small children and tend to brush the symptoms off as signs of something else. (If you do…
5 Tips to Protect Your Child from Germs

As Fall begins, we are well into the beginning of the school year. As kids come together so does the sharing of germs. Bacteria on common surfaces can lead to coughs and sore throats. It is impossible to avoid being in a condensed area with illness present, but there are ways you can help protect…