What to Expect From A Tonsillectomy

A tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the tonsils, the two pads of tissue in the back of the throat. It is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the United States. The surgery is used to treat recurring or severe tonsillitis, sleep-disordered breathing issues or other complications of enlarged tonsils. If you…
Can Loud Toys Damage Hearing?

We don’t often think of children’s toys as posing a risk to our child’s hearing. However, many children’s toys are quite loud and could be damaging to their long-term hearing health. It’s important to consider hearing damage when selecting toys for your child. Think through some of these factors when purchasing your next toy from…
Your Child Probably Isn’t Allergic to Penicillin

Around five million kids in the U.S. have been identified as having a penicillin allergy, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. But recent research shows that it’s likely that these children, and maybe even your own child, have been misdiagnosed. What the Research Shows One study published in 2017 in the journal Pediatrics tested…
Pediatric Otolaryngology: Facial Injures in Kids

How often do you think–really think–about your face? It’s not just a sideways glance as you walk past the mirror; it’s not how much time you put into makeup; it’s not even about putting on sunscreen or medication (although those are pretty important). The truth is, we don’t do a lot of deep thinking about…
Signs Your Child Has a Thyroid Problem

The inner workings of our bodies often escape us. We can move throughout the day without considering the involuntary actions of the organs that keep our bodies going. Only when we become sick or notice a change in our bodies do we question the inner workings of our body. The challenge of diagnosing symptoms when…
FAQ’s on Getting Ear Tubes

Ears need to be protected, from the day you are born and beyond. We listen with our ears, and they are the center of our balance. So when ears become infected, it can create problems. But what happens if ears repeatedly get infected? The solution is much more than penicillin. Ear tubes are often the…
Why You Should Teach Your Children About Q-Tip Safety

For some reason, Q-tips are automatically associated with cleaning the ears. While there is a label on the packaging not to insert cotton swabs into the ear canal, many people regularly clean their ears with Q-tips. It’s important to teach your child from an early age how to use cotton swabs correctly. The ear canal…
What to Do if Your Child Has Troubled Breathing

Breathing is something our bodies do automatically so having to think about taking breaths can be scary. With kids, it can be hard to diagnose problems with breathing especially if they are not at an age to adequately describe what’s wrong. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of troubled breathing, so you know when to see…
Treating Hearing Loss in Your Child

Having a child is incredibly exciting while also exhausting, and you practically hold your breath waiting to make sure that everything is okay. Hearing loss in children can become evident at birth or significantly later on, but whatever the case, it is difficult for parents and children alike. Hearing problems in children pose more problems…
How Do I Treat My Child’s Sore Throat?

No parent likes to see their child in pain, and we all know how irritating a sore throat can be. While not usually dangerous, it’s best to take care of a sore throat quickly. Best Treatment Options To take care of your child’s symptoms, you should be able to differentiate between a viral and bacterial…