Pediatric Otolaryngology: Sleep Apnea in Kids

Sleep is something crucial to every life, but for kids, sleep is especially important. Growing bodies and minds need plenty of rest to wake up the next morning healthy, happy, and ready to learn more about a little bit of everything. However, one huge sleep obstacle that some kids face is one that might be…
Pediatric Otolaryngology: Tonsillectomy Aftercare

The operation to remove tonsils or a tonsillectomy has declined in popularity in recent years, and it’s all thanks to some well-placed advances in medical science. However, the tonsillectomy remains infamous, and plenty of kids still require this procedure. A Quick Look Why did the tonsillectomy use to be so common? It all comes down…
Signs Your Child Has Allergies

Sometimes what looks like the common cold isn’t just that. If your child is suffering from an ongoing cough and runny nose, there may be more at play. Allergies are a reaction by the immune system to foreign substances that come into contact with the body. Respiratory allergies take time to develop and will show…
Teaching Children the Importance of Hand Washing

Children love when they get to skip a day at school. They romanticize the possibility of getting their tonsils out so they can subsist on a diet of ice-cream and pudding. Parents, on the other hand, don’t see tonsillectomy as a blessing in disguise. They would rather not see their child in pain and having…
Sinus Infections in Children and Their Causes

From infancy, children are faced with new bacteria, colds, and flu which they must build immunity to in order to get over sicknesses. Your kids will have many colds as they grow up, but some children will especially suffer from sinus problems. It ‘s hard, especially with young children, to deal with sinus problems as…
How to Choose an Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor for Your Child

What do you remember most about being a kid? Is it the cartoons? The pillow forts? The way the whole world seemed fresh and colorful, a living book with characters waiting to be met and adventures waiting to be had? No matter how each of us feels about childhood, all of us likely remember a…
Babies and Toddlers with Sore Throats

As anyone who has ever interacted with kids younger than talking-age can tell you, communication with babies and toddlers is kind of like communication with someone from another world. Little kids have quite a unique battle until they learn to talk. They have opinions and feelings, they feel pain, they get sick—basically, they undergo an…