If you’ve noticed that your hearing isn’t what it used to be you are hardly alone. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), approximately 15% of American adults aged 18 and older report that they have at least some trouble hearing.
Everyone reacts to experiencing hearing loss differently. Some accept it easily, while others deal with feelings of denial, frustration, embarrassment and apprehension. If you’re finding that you have complicated feelings about your hearing issues, know that it is perfectly normal. Let’s look at a few steps you can take to come to terms with your hearing loss and manage your condition effectively.
Talk With Your Loved Ones 
Talking about your hearing loss might be one of the last things you want to do. However, communicating your feelings and needs can be incredibly beneficial not just for you but for those you’re closest to as well.
Hearing loss can put a strain on relationships due to the increase in miscommunication that comes with struggling to follow conversations. Being open about your hearing issues can help lessen resentment and help your loved ones understand that you aren’t just ignoring them or not listening to what they have to say. It can also be helpful for you to talk about your worries and frustrations and to let them know what steps they can take to make communication easier for you.
Schedule an Appointment for a Hearing Test
Once you’ve accepted that you have trouble with your hearing, the next best step is to schedule an appointment for a hearing test. These quick and non-invasive exams can note both the cause and degree of your hearing loss, as well as what frequencies you struggle with the most. Your audiologist will use your results to come up with a personalized treatment plan for you, which usually involves hearing aids.
Consider What Hearing Aid Is Right for You
Modern hearing aids come in a variety of different styles and sizes. It’s important to discuss with your audiologist what your preferences are, as well as your hobbies, work and home life and other individual factors that can help inform them as to what type might be best
Once you adjust to your hearing aids and see how much of a difference they make in your ability to stay connected, you’re likely to experience much more optimism when it comes to managing your hearing loss.
The right hearing aids can make it easier to follow meetings at work, enjoy listening to your favorite album, and engage in a lively conversation with your family when out to dinner at Cottonwood Grille.
Take the first step towards better hearing today and contact Southwest Idaho ENT to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists.