Anyone who has had a sinus infection can attest to its pain and the productivity it delays. Now imagine you were constantly having congestion, headaches, and sinus pain. Chronic sinusitis is when sinus cavities are inflamed for up to 12 weeks with no relief even after treatment attempts. A consultation with an ear, nose, and throat (ent) doctor can help you find a treatment for your symptoms.
Previously sinus surgery that involved the cutting of tissue was the only procedure available for chronic sinusitis. Balloon sinuplasty is an alternative to invasive surgery and can be your needed relief.
What is Balloon Sinuplasty?
Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive surgery performed by an ent doctor that alleviates the pain of chronic sinusitis. The procedure involves local anesthetic for a pain-free experience. A thin catheter inserts a balloon into the sinus cavity and which then inflates to widen the walls of your sinuses. After the balloon deflates, saline will assist in the removal of mucus from the lining of your sinuses.
Why Balloon Sinuplasty is the Best Choice
There are three main benefits of choosing balloon sinuplasty. First, the recovery time is minimal. Instead of waiting a month as is the case with endoscopic sinus surgery, it takes about two days to recover from balloon sinuplasty entirely. Second, you will experience less pain with this procedure. There is no cutting of tissue so at most you will have a sinus headache for a few days which over the counter medicine can treat. Lastly, because balloon sinuplasty only requires local anesthetic, you won’t have any grogginess or nausea.
If you’re ready to be done with chronic sinus infection symptoms, but have been averse to surgery, there is another solution. Talk with an ent doctor to find out if you are the right patient for balloon sinuplasty. To speak with a specialist, contact us at (208) 336-4368 today!