Ask ENT Doctors: Your Sinuses and Sinus Headaches
We learn a lot of things throughout our lives. Going to school, reading books, watching informational television, and, sometimes, even surfing the Internet are all strong influences in our education. We learn science and history and English and math–but, outside of the classroom, when we don’t even know we’re learning, we are constantly picking up…
Do You Have Adult Onset Allergies?
As spring begins, we hope the sniffles and coughs from the winter season will finally end. Much to our surprise then, we experience similar cold symptoms as the environment around us begins to bloom and turn green. If you’ve never experienced allergies before, don’t think you’re off the hook, as adults can develop allergies at…
All About Ears: Allergies, Colds and Beyond
The first thing we think about when we hear the word ‘ear’ is hearing. We associate our ears with listening to sounds. In addition to hearing, we can also associate the ears with balance, our throats, and our nasal passages. Our ears are an intricate part of the body working hard to protect others organs…
How to Prevent Sickness While Flying
While there are a host of reasons people don’t like air travel, a common complaint is the onset of illness after travel. Our sinuses can be sensitive, especially in environments we are unaccustomed to. Not only that, but planes can harbor some pretty deadly germs for up to 7 days. Auburn University researchers James Barbaree…
Why You Should Teach Your Children About Q-Tip Safety
For some reason, Q-tips are automatically associated with cleaning the ears. While there is a label on the packaging not to insert cotton swabs into the ear canal, many people regularly clean their ears with Q-tips. It’s important to teach your child from an early age how to use cotton swabs correctly. The ear canal…
Tired All The Time? Maybe You Have Sleep Apnea
We all identify with being tired; maybe you didn’t go to sleep early enough, maybe you’re stressed, maybe work was especially taxing, but sometimes it isn’t just a normal fatigue or sleepiness. So how do you tell if your seemingly constant tiredness is due to your busy schedule, or a sleep problem? Could you have…
Don’t Let Sleep Apnea Weaken Your Health
Every night we go to bed hoping to reenergize and wake up ready for the next day. Restless sleep or our partner waking us to stop our snoring will ruin that hope, and we can start to feel defeated. If your bedtime ritual is more tiresome than relaxing, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea…
What to Do if Your Child Has Troubled Breathing
Breathing is something our bodies do automatically so having to think about taking breaths can be scary. With kids, it can be hard to diagnose problems with breathing especially if they are not at an age to adequately describe what’s wrong. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of troubled breathing, so you know when to see…
Tips to Care for a Hoarse Throat
Sometimes we want a break from our busy lives and wonder how it would be to sit in silence for awhile. While this is a typical daydream, the reality of losing your voice is less enjoyable. Not only is it painful, but a dry throat can make it difficult to complete daily tasks that require…
Easy Ways to Protect Your Hearing
Everyone enjoys listening to a favorite song just a little too loud now and then, but at what cost? We only have five senses, and our hearing aids us in everyday life. Take care of your ears now so that you can enjoy them to their full capacity. What is Hearing Loss? Deep inside the…