Why You Should Be Getting Routine Hearing Checks
When you schedule an annual health check, you probably don’t think about checking on your hearing. Routine hearing tests are important because hearing loss can be gradual and hard to detect. Read on to learn why you should be getting routing hearing checks. Common Misconceptions Hearing loss is not solely a symptom of growing old….
Treating Hearing Loss in Your Child
Having a child is incredibly exciting while also exhausting, and you practically hold your breath waiting to make sure that everything is okay. Hearing loss in children can become evident at birth or significantly later on, but whatever the case, it is difficult for parents and children alike. Hearing problems in children pose more problems…
Boise Ear, Nose, and Throat: Sinusitis
We’ve all experienced the common cold enough to be extremely familiar with its symptoms. Congestion, watery or light-sensitive eyes, and sneezing are nothing new–but the problem arises when these symptoms are accompanied by chronic pain, and when the “cold” lasts more than ten days. At that point, it’s time to call this cold impostor by…
What You Need to Know About Diabetes and Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is the partial or total inability to hear. If you find yourself asking people to repeat themselves or are listening to the TV at a high volume, you may have some form of hearing loss. While anyone can experience hearing loss, if you have diabetes you are at greater risk. Read to learn…
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late: 5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing
Protecting your hearing is all part of protecting your overall health. We have put together the top five to protect your hearing. 1. Limit Your Exposure to Loud Noises Environments with loud noises vary from pleasure to work. If you are working in a noisy area like a concert or work with tools such as…
Do I Have an Ear Infection?
One night you notice that you can only sleep on one side because your ear is red and in pain. You may also sense a loss of hearing. What could it be? Most people associate ear infections with small children and tend to brush the symptoms off as signs of something else. (If you do…
Tips for Reducing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
We live in a loud world. We are constantly surrounded by noise—at home, while commuting, at work, and at play. As a culture that loves music, we often have those little buds shoved in our ears in an attempt to block out some of that outside noise. But what does all of that racket mean…
How to Gain Relief from Chronic Sinusitis
Anyone who has had a sinus infection can attest to its pain and the productivity it delays. Now imagine you were constantly having congestion, headaches, and sinus pain. Chronic sinusitis is when sinus cavities are inflamed for up to 12 weeks with no relief even after treatment attempts. A consultation with an ear, nose, and…
5 Tips to Protect Your Child from Germs
As Fall begins, we are well into the beginning of the school year. As kids come together so does the sharing of germs. Bacteria on common surfaces can lead to coughs and sore throats. It is impossible to avoid being in a condensed area with illness present, but there are ways you can help protect…
4 Surgical Procedures That Can Treat Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by the continual interruption of breathing during sleep. A person with sleep apnea can stop breathing hundreds of times a night. Repeated interrupted breathing can lead to the brain lacking oxygen. Sleep apnea can affect anyone, but males, those overweight, and people over 40 are more at risk….