4 Surgical Procedures That Can Treat Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by the continual interruption of breathing during sleep. A person with sleep apnea can stop breathing hundreds of times a night. Repeated interrupted breathing can lead to the brain lacking oxygen. Sleep apnea can affect anyone, but males, those overweight, and people over 40 are more at risk….
Ear Pain on a Plane

Your trip is planned. Your bags are packed, and you just found your seat on the flight to your dream destination. As you are flipping through one of the air-mall magazines and the plane starts to take off, you feel it. Your ears are popping, prickling. It’s not bad now, but you know it’s going…
Hearing Loss and Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease and untreated hearing loss share many symptoms, causing frequent misdiagnosis of Alzheimer’s in the elderly population. Research continues to suggest a strong association between hearing loss and Alzheimer’s. Since the most commonly used screenings for Alzheimer’s are administered verbally, screening for hearing loss should precede screening for Alzheimer’s. Symptoms of both untreated hearing…
What is an Otolaryngologist?

For our whole lives, we’ve known about the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Before we even had names to attach to them, we were using our senses to learn about everything from colors and shapes to the infinite complexity of the English language. When we were a little bit older, we learned…
Ask our ENT Doctors: Asthma and Allergy Emergencies

We all like to think that we’re prepared for an emergency, but at the end of the day, that might not be true. After all, in an emergency situation–no matter the nature of the event–there will always be a lot of stress, a lot of unknown variables, and, of course, very high stakes. The truth…
How Do I Treat My Child’s Sore Throat?

No parent likes to see their child in pain, and we all know how irritating a sore throat can be. While not usually dangerous, it’s best to take care of a sore throat quickly. Best Treatment Options To take care of your child’s symptoms, you should be able to differentiate between a viral and bacterial…
Pediatric Otolaryngology: Sleep Apnea in Kids

Sleep is something crucial to every life, but for kids, sleep is especially important. Growing bodies and minds need plenty of rest to wake up the next morning healthy, happy, and ready to learn more about a little bit of everything. However, one huge sleep obstacle that some kids face is one that might be…
Boise Ear, Nose, and Throat: Swimmer’s Ear

As warm weather approaches and swimming suits begin to appear in every store, it is important to make sure that this summer’s swimming is done with safety and health in mind. One challenge you might find yourself facing is swimmer’s ear–so it’s important to know the details. Swimmer’s Ear When you have swimmer’s ear, what…
Advice From ENT Doctors: Dry Mouth

Having dry mouth can be extremely uncomfortable, but the truth is that it can also lead to countless other medical conditions that may become serious. Luckily, our ENT Doctors know a thing or two about dry mouth. A Closer Look at Dry Mouth Dry mouth, sometimes called xerostomia, is a condition caused by a dramatic…
Ask ENT Doctors: Tonsillitis

As human beings, our brains are wired to consider “worst case scenarios” all too often–especially when it comes to our health. A sore throat is one of the worst culprits, causing us to wonder if it’s something more serious, like tonsillitis, which can require the infamous tonsillectomy. Tonsillitis Tonsillitis can be tricky because, unlike other…