The day before your surgery, you will receive a phone call from our nursing staff. During this phone call, we will verify your time of arrival, review your health history and answer any questions you may have about preparing for your surgery.
The Day of Surgery
Upon arrival to the surgery center, you will be checked in by our reception room staff. During this process, you will be provided with a copy of:
- HIPAA Privacy Regulations
- Patient Rights and Responsibilities
- Policy on Advanced Directives
- The Disclosure of Ownership Policy
The receptionist will provide you information on billing and legal responsibilities, ask that you sign a consent for treatment and provide you with an identification band.
After check-in, you will be escorted to the pre-operative area, where you will be asked to:
- Change into a patient gown
- Remove all jewelry, prosthetics, dentures, hearing aids and glasses
- Place all your belongings in a designated locker
During the admission process, a nurse will perform a health assessment, start an IV if necessary and provide you with any pre-surgical medications or therapies. Prior to entering the operating room, you will visit with an anesthesiologist, who will explain the anesthetic process and answer any questions you may have about anesthesia.
When ready, a Circulating Nurse and Nurse Anesthetist will accompany you to the operating room. Upon your arrival you will be moved onto the operating room bed, covered with warm blankets, and attached to our monitors. Once you are asleep a Safety Time-Out will be performed with all staff members, verifying your information, health history, and planned surgical procedure.
You will awake from your surgery in the post-anesthesia care area. Here we will manage any nausea or pain you may be experiencing. Once you are awake, you will be moved into a reclining chair and transitioned to our post-operative discharge area. During this phase of recovery, we will provide you with a snack and bring your family or designated responsible adult to be with you while you continue recovering. A nurse will then go over discharge instructions, reviewing your medications and providing you with a printed copy of the instructions and any supplies you may need at home. Prior to discharge, we will provide you with your first dose of prescription pain medication if needed. Recovery time is based on each patient’s individual needs.
You will receive a post-op phone call from one of our nurses the next business day following your surgery.
If at any time you have questions regarding your surgery or recovery, please contact us at (208) 336-4368.